Search Results For watch In Quotes 511

I watched Gene Kelly for his smile for his energy. Vittorio Gassman for his movement. Clark Gable for his mustache. And I watched Lassie who was happy as a dog.

I was walking around legally blind. Now I have 20-20 vision. I can't believe I spent so many years blurry but I think that coincides with how I was feeling. Now I notice if people are watching me but I also smile right back if someone waves which helps.

I believe that science fiction is as profound as you want it to be or it can be very simple entertainment and I'm all for very simple entertainment. Every now and then we all need to come home veg-out watch something and not think too deeply about it. It's what you want it to be. We tend to steer clear of being pedantic it's entertainment first otherwise we'd be on a lecture circuit.

People challenge my nerd cred all the time. I just show them the photo of me winning my middle-school science fair wearing my Casio calculator watch and eyeglasses so big they look like they can see the future.

I was born in 1950 and watched science fiction and horror movies on TV and was always really fascinated by them.

My taste in watching things runs from dramas and low-budget films to high-end fantasy/science fiction.

Millions of people were inspired by the Apollo Program. I was five years old when I watched Apollo 11 unfold on television and without any doubt it was a big contributor to my passions for science engineering and exploration.

The most watched programme on the BBC after the news is probably 'Doctor Who.' What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.

I only really watch sport. That's where you see real joy. I don't like watching much else on TV because it's generally either twisted or sad.

When I was in Philadelphia during the Depression in 1930 or '31 I got a very sad job as a night watchman in a garage. The cars in the garage had been abandoned by their owners since they had lost their jobs and couldn't keep up the payments.

I've met so many fans of daytime television who've watched the shows with their moms and grandmas and feel like they've known the characters their whole lives. It's sad for them to have to say goodbye to their favorite soaps and characters. We don't want that to happen to the 'Days' fans.

At a time when 2500 American soldiers have given their lives for the cause of bringing democracy to Iraq it is sad and frustrating to watch the Republican establishment disgrace the exercise of democracy in our own House of Representatives.

The president we have today is a typical Washington politician that's prone to hyperbole and decisiveness and false outrage. And I think it's very sad - very sad to watch.

I get some of my ideas from watching my three daughters but most of them come from my own memories of growing up. I can remember how romantic I was not just about love but romance in the classic sense - the romantic ideals: of honor and truth of loyalty sacrifice and fairness. Those were the elements that made a story satisfying to me.

I can sit in front of the TV and watch an old romantic film and be transfixed.

And I don't believe that children are innocent. In fact no one seriously believes that. Just go to a playground and watch the kids playing in the sandbox! The romantic notion of the sweet child is simply the parents projecting their own wishes.

I love romantic comedies. I like to watch them and I like to be in them. It's something that's increasingly difficult to find that spark of originality that makes if different than the ones that come before.

My idea of a romantic night is to watch action films.

I used to get nervous you know if my parents would come watch. And then I would get nervous if my friends came and watched. Today it's not a problem anymore actually because now I enjoy it. I see that they you know respect me immensely and I try to put on a good show and show that I can still play very good tennis.

If any movie people are watching this show please for me have some respect. You wanna sell some tickets act like you know what you're talking about.

I can remember when I was a baby and my mother was there watching the show. I went and bought 100 episodes and watched them. I respect it so much that the sitcom itself and Ed Norton I'm not playing Ed Norton but my version of it cause I'm a black man.

I always watched movies and rooted for the bad guys you know? I've always been that kind of guy. I still hold some respect for criminals that are good at their jobs.

You can't tell your kids to read if you're just watching television. They have to see you read. And in that respect I think it's important to walk the walk. It's a wonderful shared time.

To retain respect for sausages and laws one must not watch them in the making.