Search Results For working In Quotes 671

Every single Pixar film at one time or another has been the worst movie ever put on film. But we know. We trust our process. We don't get scared and say 'Oh no this film isn't working.'

The people of Wisconsin have been good to me. I've tried to live up to their trust. And now I ask those hardworking men and women and millions like them across America to join our cause and get this country working again. When Governor Romney asked me to join the ticket I said 'Let's get this done' - and that is exactly what we're going to do.

People in north Michigan are not different at all from people in southern Alabama. Trust me someone who's spent a lot of time in both places. They're all hardworking simple people.

Since traveling is such a big part of my life when I am working I like to vacation relatively close to home. Florida is a great place for me to go and relax. It's so close which is perfect because it's the minimal travel time.

I enjoyed working as a model a lot as it let me travel and I got to do some really interesting projects.

Well I took a sabbatical. I walked away from shooting movies because I couldn't handle the travel. I'm a single parent. I had young kids and I found that keeping in touch with them from hotel rooms and airports wasn't working for me. So I stopped.

There are days when I intentionally don't write. For instance I never write when I'm traveling because travel is a situation where I can learn more by looking and listening than by working.

I travel to Jakarta I see what an important country it is. I've been working with them for a year.

Before we had the kids my husband and I were traveling a lot and working and really enjoying our lives and each other. We both love the theater and books and travel and so we were really having a lot of fun.

I would love to travel around the world working for a travel company taking students abroad on cultural immersion trips.

To get away from one's working environment is in a sense to get away from one's self and this is often the chief advantage of travel and change.

When I haven't been working I've tried to travel a lot.

I travel around the world constantly promoting my projects and endorsing products. Yes I do get paid to go to parties in fact I'm the person who started the whole trend of paid appearances. But when you see me at a party I'm always working or promoting something.

I really had no great love for shoes. I was a working First Lady I was always in canvas shoes. I did nurture the shoes industry of the Philippines and so every time there was a shoe fair I would receive a pair of shoes as a token of gratitude.

I keep working because I learn something new all the time.

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time.

Well I'm working all the time to stay out of trouble!

Working on 'Gossip Girl' was a fantastic experience. It was my first real gig and I'm thankful for it - I got to learn a lot. I'm glad I got to explore getting comfortable in my own shoes in the background on a show like 'Gossip Girl.'

Look if I ever stop being grateful for gigs I just need to stop. Because this business is... you know it's just so kind of job-to-job and the fact that I've continued working... I'm just incredibly thankful for it. And I never ever take it for granted.

I feel like I still am struggling in a lot of different ways. I still have to fight for certain things. Certain jobs. At least I'm working and I'm thankful for that.

But I don't think we'll go there until we go back to the moon and develop a technology base for living and working and transporting ourselves through space.

Social networking technology didn't really exist until 2004-2005. I had the idea to use this technology to bridge this gap between a general interest in addressing social issues and the practical action.

The movie industry is committed to working with the technology sector to find innovative new ways to deliver entertainment to consumers.

We are just fanatics about using the technology to make it all wonderful. We laughed at the fact that we were having such a great time working this way.