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Before my teen years I was losing my hearing pretty quickly and I was getting very very angry. I was beginning to become an angry person because of that.

I was a happy kid up until I hit the teen years.

I instinctively dress a bit tougher because I've spent a lot of time in the U.S. and I realised there was a certain image projected of me here. I've always been an absolute rebel. When I was in my teen years I had piercings and wore all black.

I got through my teen years by being a bit of a clown.

At the age of 16 I was already dreaming of having a baby because I felt myself to be an adult but my mum forbid it. Right now I feel like a teenager and I want to have fun for one or two more years before starting a family.

I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone I know but mine was plain weird.

My teenage years were exactly what they were supposed to be. Everybody has their own path. It's laid out for you. It's just up to you to walk it.

And what's interesting about the hybrids taking off is you've now introduced electric motors to the automobile industry. It's the first radical change in automobile technology in 100 years.

And the buying of new machinery meant not only the possibility of production but even the new technology 'cos as I mentioned before we were back of seven eight years.

More than 20 years on sustained competition informed customers and the rapid growth of new technology provide the necessary environment for substantial deregulation.

Obviously CGI in the last ten years has gone through such leaps and bounds that today people are looking for these kinds of movies to wow audiences with technology.

Who knows what technology will emerge in the next five years let alone 20. Yet the education we provide our children now is supposed to last for decades. We cannot train them for jobs that do not even exist yet but we can provide them with the minds and tools they'll need to adapt to our ever-changing set of circumstances.

I can't get my head around the fact that the technology of the first two movies which are forty years prior to Star Wars is so much better than any technology they had in Star Wars!

Ten years ago U.S. defence investment represented almost half of all defence expenditure in the whole alliance. Today it is 75%. This increasing economic gap may also lead to an increasing technology gap which will almost hamper the inter-operability between our forces.

I try to be careful because technology changes so much over the years. But some things don't change. Kids and parents have disagreements kids try to manipulate parents try to sit down with rules and regs. That part never changes.

Without competition the spectacular development of technology that we have seen in the last one hundred years in this country would not have happened.

We've complemented that with a second office to think about how we need to prepare ourselves for that period 10 or 15 or 20 years from now by way of investment in our technology our organization and our people.

Well it's very dangerous to project but it's clear that the existing technology has some more years to go.

For over 15 years through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy the Federal Government has been a solid partner working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal.

It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology although one should be careful with such statements as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.

Nevertheless the number of farmers small as well as large who are adopting the new seeds and new technology is increasing very rapidly and the increase in numbers during the past three years has been phenomenal.

Most people are really stunned to find out that the technology has been around for more than 100 years and that the diesel engine was in fact invented to run on vegetable oil.

So many times these kids know more about the technology than their parents. And so many times we're putting kids in very adult situations and expecting them to behave like they're 40 years old. Well that's just not going to happen.

With a fourth generation of nuclear power you can have a technology that will burn more than 99 percent of the energy in the fuel. It would mean that you don't need to mine uranium for the next thousand years.