Search Results For about In Quotes 4633

There aren't a lot of guys like me left. But I'm a war horse. I've been through it all. And you know something about war horses? Through the sleet through the snow they just keep going.

One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is you'd see the Vietnam veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans.

I remember the '80s being about the Cold War and Reagan and the homeless problem and AIDS. To me it was kind of a dark depressing time.

It's a tough thing to know what to do about a war that deep in your gut you feel is wrong and yet watch your peers going off to fight in that war.

I thought the Vietnam war was an utter unmitigated disaster so it was very hard for me to say anything good about it.

I was the guy who was constantly speaking out against the Vietnam War. I have no regrets about that.

We've got to keep an eye on the battle that we face - a war on workers. And you see it everywhere. It is the Tea Party. And there's only one way to beat and win that war - the one thing about working people is we like a good fight.

If anything we older people yearn for a peaceful world even more than young people do. We are the ones who lost friends or relatives in some war. We are the ones who have lived a lifetime of seeing and reading about human suffering.

You might hold an ethical position that it's wrong to lie but if you have plans for a war in Iraq and you want to keep them secret for practical reasons - to reduce casualties perhaps - and someone asks you about those plans you may need to lie for a 'good' outcome.

Say what you want to say about the rest of his presidency including his tone-deaf response to Katrina and a war waged in Iraq on false pretenses Bush connected with Americans in the aftermath of 9/11 because he looked as frail and unforgiving as we felt.

I wanted to write about my mother as she should have been if she had not been messed up by World War I.

I did a production of 'Journey's End ' an RC Sherriff play about World War I at the Edinburgh Festival. I was 18 and it was the first time that people I knew and loved and respected came up to me after the show and said 'You know you could really do this if you wanted to.'

The biggest problem was the politicians knew nothing about fighting a war.

Don't worry about the war. It's all over but the shooting.

I'm finding myself really angry over spending and the deficit. I'm finding myself really angry over what's happening in the Middle East the decision to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. I'm angry about cap and trade. And I've been on record for a long time on the failed war on drugs.

Australians are coffee snobs. An influx of Italian immigrants after World War II ensured that - we probably had the word 'cappuccino' about 20 years before America. Cafe culture is really big for Aussies. We like to work hard but we take our leisure time seriously.

I interviewed survivors I went to Poland saw the cities and spent time with the people and spoke to the Jews who had come back to Poland after the war and talked about why they had come back.

As a result of my philosophy I wasn't even upset about Hitler. I was willing to go to war to knock him off but I didn't hate him. I hated what he was doing.

I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the war.

This war is not about slavery.

We should invade their countries kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

What is not conservative about saying 'Don't go to war unless we go to war properly with a full declaration of war and no other way?'

Cliches about supporting the troops are designed to distract from failed policies policies promoted by powerful special interests that benefit from war anything to steer the discussion away from the real reasons the war in Iraq will not end anytime soon.

To walk through the ruined cities of Germany is to feel an actual doubt about the continuity of civilization.