Search Results For having In Quotes 771

Being around some of the bright lights of the technology world and having them expect great things helps you sit down and do it seriously.

The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals.

I think we can allow the therapeutic uses of nuclear transplant technology which we call cloning without running the danger of actually having live human beings born.

When dealing in the technology it becomes a question of whether you overuse something. I think that's worse than having something technologically available to you and not using it.

We are just fanatics about using the technology to make it all wonderful. We laughed at the fact that we were having such a great time working this way.

The only protection as a historian is to institute a process of research and writing that minimizes the possibility of error. And that I have tried to do aided by modern technology which enables me having long since moved beyond longhand to use a computer for both organizing and taking notes.

In fact I argue that the future of advertising whatever the technology will be to associate each brand with one word. This is one word equity. It's the modern equivalent of having the best site on the high street except the location is in the mind.

With all the technology we're inventing and what they're coming up with scientifically people are having longer lifetimes. It's scary but in the same sense it's also very exciting.

I'm sorry it's true. Having children really changes your view on these things. We're born we live for a brief instant and we die. It's been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much - if at all.

It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the '50s. By the time I retired the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!

Writing became an obsessive compulsive habit but I had almost no money so I thought about being an urban firefighter and having lots of free time in which to write or becoming an English teacher and thinking about books and writers on a daily basis. That swayed me.

I joined the Party definitely in 1923 after having already been in sympathy with it before.

I always envisioned myself being a rapper and being in the game and having success but you never know what it feels like or how you're going to be when you're there.

Women face enough pressures and challenges in a workplace that is still depressingly biased against a female's success. Add to that the fact that the very thing many women I know find most rewarding (having kids) is now frowned upon.

Winning in Afghanistan is having a country that is stable enough to ensure that there is no safe haven for Al Qaida or for a militant Taliban that welcomes Al Qaida. That's really the measure of success for the United States.

I was trying to uphold what I thought feminism was as best I could by supporting women by trying to create an opportunity to get women to get together play music together and celebrate the fact that we are having great success making music on our own and together.

Success consists in being successful not in having potential for success. Any wide piece of ground is the potential site of a palace but there's no palace till it's built.

Philanthropy is the thing that I am really excited about and having success means I can do more.

The only thing I can say about having this type of success is that you can get yourself in trouble because basically the world is set open for you. People will say yes to anything you ask so it's basically down to you and what you want or need.

There's not an instruction manual on how to deal with success so you just have to rely on having great friends and a good team.

People think your success is just a matter of having a pretty face. But it's easy to be chewed up and spat out. You've got to stay ahead of the game to be able to stay in it.

I've stopped apologizing to myself for having this great period of success and financial acceptance.

Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual corporation or product.

I don't know what keeps me going. Sometimes I wonder... I think it's just pure perseverance and wanting to succeed and having that burning desire to always have success.