Search Results For ultimate In Quotes 233

If you search and search and stop searching then ultimately you'll find what you need. It is the experience of living.

I think being a parent is the most challenging thing you do. That's why we're here. It's at the heart of what it is to be a human being. It's the ultimate experience because it questions everything about who you are. But it's difficult.

Ultimately it's possible that social media platforms will be designed as templates that the users themselves customize in terms of the best way to express their community and experience of life and brands will have to simply follow suit.

To use the same words is not a sufficient guarantee of understanding one must use the same words for the same genus of inward experience ultimately one must have one's experiences in common.

Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles... respect for human life the punishment of crimes against property and persons the equality of all good citizens before the law... or in a word justice.

My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education.

The ultimate end of education is happiness or a good human life a life enriched by the possession of every kind of good by the enjoyment of every type of satisfaction.

Religion is not only a part of education an element of humanity but the center of everything else always the first and the ultimate the absolutely original.

The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else.

Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing the rest is mere sheep-herding.

This city can be kind of brutal so you see your dreams from every different angle but ultimately it's about acting and if you enjoy acting you will always enjoy acting.

When I began to choreograph and find my way pulling other artists' dreams out and changing music in a visual way there was still a part of me that had something more to say. There was still a desire to rock a stage and ultimately perform the eight count of my dream but there was a lot of insecurity there.

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

Ultimately we may still ask why can't humans design a perfect society?

Ultimately life is disease death and oblivion. It's still better than high school.

Death is an endless night so awful to contemplate that it can make us love life and value it with such passion that it may be the ultimate cause of all joy and all art.

For those who live neither with religious consolations about death nor with a sense of death (or of anything else) as natural death is the obscene mystery the ultimate affront the thing that cannot be controlled. It can only be denied.

The best thing I ever learned from my dad was he knew he wasn't the best of singers but he always knew he was a great entertainer and I always thought that was a good concept to bring along that ultimately acting is an entertainment art and you have to be aware of the fact that you want people to be excited to be watching you.

One day my dad would say 'OK if you want to play tennis I can help you out.' And that's how it started. And I had a goal. I wanted to beat my mom first. And my parents and my brother. And that was the ultimate goal.

Throughout the history of our young nation we have seen our military go bravely into battle armed with courage and willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

With courage and character American soldiers continue to put themselves on the line to defend our freedom and so many have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Values are principles and ideas that bring meaning to the seemingly mundane experience of life. A meaningful life that ultimately brings happiness and pride requires you to respond to temptations as well as challenges with honor dignity and courage.

Music is music ultimately. If it makes you feel good cool.