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I still believe in a place called Hope.

I hope that the mistakes made and suffering imposed upon Japanese Americans nearly 60 years ago will not be repeated against Arab Americans whose loyalties are now being called into question.

I practice yoga at home to a TV show called 'Inhale ' taught by Steve Ross. I figured that if the people on the show could stretch that deep then I could too. I ended up pulling my hip flexor. But that's how I met my husband. Paul was the physical therapist my coach called to meet with me after hours.

When I was at college I worked in a department store called Brit Home Stores which is a pretty lackluster department store selling clothes for middle-aged women. My job was to walk the floor and find anything that was damaged take it to the store room and log it.

I'm a firm believer that lighting affects mood and twinkly lights on strings bring something magical to occasions ranging from concerts to weddings though I'm fond of using them as year-round home decor. There's a reason why they're sometimes called fairy lights. When the night is right there aren't any strings at all.

I know that war is very cruel and that life is harder when you aren't able to live in the place you called home.

The first time that you escape from home or the small town that you live in - there's a reason a small town is called a small town: It's because not many people want to live there.

Obama has seen to the passage of the most radical legislation in recent American history and so-called 'progressives' should be thanking him for it - even as many of the rest of us rear in horror from its implications.

That great dust-heap called 'history'.

In the beginning when I sat next to Tom Brokaw on the 'Today' show the stories I was interested in were those having to do with women and children and learning and health. In those days 25 to 30 years ago that was called soft news and not in a nice way.

If I were a capitalist I would not give my employees health insurance with no deductible which I do including dental and paid pregnancy leave. That's not called capitalism that's called being a Christian and someone who believes in democracy so that everyone should get a fair slice of the pie.

What is called genius is the abundance of life and health.

The music is the message the message is the music. So that's my little ministry that the Big Man upstairs gave to me - a little ministry called love and happiness.

Your dear baby has died innocent and blameless and has been called away by an all wise and merciful Creator most probably from a life to misery and misfortune and most certainly to one of happiness and bliss.

My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories.

Moderation has been called a virtue to limit the ambition of great men and to console undistinguished people for their want of fortune and their lack of merit.

Motherhood is a great honor and privilege yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers or preparing meals moms continuously put others before themselves.

Acquire a government over your ideas that they may come down when they are called and depart when they are bidden.

People who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government.

Government is necessary for our survival. We need government in order to survive. The Founding Fathers created a special place for government. It is called the Constitution.

Whatever government is not a government of laws is a despotism let it be called what it may.

That no government so called can reasonably be trusted or reasonably be supposed to have honest purposes in view any longer than it depends wholly upon voluntary support.

In the late 1990s some of the worst terrorist atrocities in the world were what the Turkish government itself called state terror namely massive atrocities 80 percent of the arms coming from the United States millions of refugees tens of thousands of people killed hideous repression that's international terror and we can go on and on.

You know I have found a new way to get high and stay spaced out for hours on end and the government can't stop me... It's called senility.