We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly...
As a child I understood how to give, I have forgotten this grace since I...
There are accents in the eye which are not on the tongue, and more tales...
I'm very hard on myself and I have too many issues.
I work myself into the ground. But I think I'm a nice friend and a good...
I always felt like the rug could be pulled out from under me at anytime....
I don't think anyone knows as much about what's right for me as I do.
The Lib Dems are not just empty. They are a void within a vacuum...
I used to pre-rehearse everything and then bring my pre-rehearsed...
I just don't believe in love at first sight anymore, even though I've...
I don't particularly like babies. I don't mind them for about four...
Hugh Grant and I both laugh and cringe at the same things, worship the...
I have three lives: actress, model, producer. Sometimes I'm aware that...
I love pilates and yoga but don't do them regularly.
I'm not that careful with cars.
You don’t go into anything contemplating failure, because if you...
I don't dislike babies, though I think very young ones rather disgusting.
[On alcohol:] Total abstinence is an impossibility and ... it will not do...
If someone tried to deprive you of your rights, you've got to resist it....
We do acknowledge that we have deficiencies in the area of human rights,...
In the course of the reform, some new circumstances that we had not...
I realized eventually that when I ran out of places to stay and found...
I'd been living on the streets of New York, and I was sleeping at my...
In the years ahead of me, I learned that the world is actually filled with...
Mind is never a problem. Mindset is.
It evolved from my experience in the fifties growing up during the McCarthy...
I feel responsible that everyone has a really wonderful experience and to do...
Acting is not a mystery. There's nothing that I know that other actors don't...
Many children are natural fantasists I think perhaps because their...
I got pregnant at 40 by surprise. It's funny because when we found out we...
At our best it's a good experience but we do 22 episodes a year so there...
I'm always hoping for the nights that are inspired where you almost have an...
I am very happy since when I am in different cities I can experience and...
Well you know the definition of second marriage is the triumph of hope over...
The most important training though is to experience life as a writer...