But what I'd really like to tell you is I never dreamed of being in the Hall of Fame. Standing here with all these great players was beyond any of my dreams.
In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues...
Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three and...
Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age.
Age is something that doesn't matter unless you are a cheese.
I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact...
I've got volumes on how not to behave. I've got more information now than a...
Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children and...
He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age but...
The kids are old enough now - I just want to let them be kids. I don't want...
I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think...
Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age to die young but then...
The secret of staying young is to live honestly eat slowly and lie about...
Education is the best provision for old age.
Each age it is found must write its own books or rather each generation...
We prefer world law in the age of self-determination to world war in the age...
Old age is just a record of one's whole life.
Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls...
Age does not protect you from love. But love to some extent protects you...
At twenty years of age the will reigns at thirty the wit and at forty the...
No woman should ever be quite accurate about her age. It looks so calculating.
Thomas Jefferson once said 'We should never judge a president by his age...
Every formula of every religion has in this age of reason to submit to the...
The golden age is before us not behind us.
The heresy of one age becomes the orthodoxy of the next.
In every country and every age the priest had been hostile to Liberty.
A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age.
As human beings our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the...
Age is whatever you think it is. You are as old as you think you are.
Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age when...
When marrying ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be...
A stockbroker urged me to buy a stock that would triple its value every year....
Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of...
The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the...
Perfection of means and confusion of ends seem to characterize our age.
Confusion of goals and perfection of means seems in my opinion to...
Reading after a certain age diverts the mind too much from its creative...